Thursday, April 23, 2009

NW Companion Animal Fair

This past weekend I attended my first show as a vendor. I teamed with PetUtopia, the local Portland shop that handles my totes, by sharing a booth. It was a lot more work than I expected. Standing and selling for 2 straight days on cement flooring and talking can be very tiring!! But Annie was great! I now call her my "marketing manager" as she attracted quite a bit of attention in her little red "I'm Deaf" saddle coat. It gave me a chance to do quite a bit of education on lethal white Aussies and on living with a deaf dog in general. It was also great to see a group of hearing impaired individuals trying to talk to her in signs. Whoops! I've never taught Annie ASL, just a few of my own made-up signs. I was a bit embarrassed. I sold 10 totes for Amazing Aussies of Arizona. Now, back to the designing and sewing for my next show......

Annie looks lovely in her new saddle coat:

The morning before the show opened, with all my totes on display:

Material promoting Amazing Aussies:

I'm beat...time for a nap!!!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Totes On TV!!!!!

I really need to get back to posting more often on my blog. With a full time job, a family and my Whitedogcreations business, I find my blog entries getting further and further behind. However, I was thrilled recently to find out my totes and charity were featured on sydicated TV, Better TV, in an episode "Gifts for Pet Lovers". The local shop here in Portland, OR, PetUtopia, that carries my totes was filmed for the episode and my totes were a feature item!!!

Also, if you live in the local Portland, OR metro area, I will be at several dog events over the spring and summer at PetUtopia's booth, so come by and see me! I have lots more new totes that will be featured at these events. Some of the events are: Bark in the Park, OHS Doggie Dash and the NW Companion Animal Fair at the Expo Center, April 18th and 19th. And that's just this spring. More to come in the summer months......

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Antique Show - Tote Supply Hunting

Today I attended a local Antique and Vintage Show to find some dog-themed items I could use for the new totes I'll be making for spring and summer. I think I struck a vintage dog bonanza. I found some vintage buttons, buckles, pins, dog themed postcards and a fantastic dog hankie. I was really happy to find lots of the little plastic dog charms that, I believe, used to come as Cracker Jack prizes. All in all, I found some usual items, some pretty good prices and can't wait to get started to work coming up with designs to use my new items.